Fast Crash Course K.P. Astrology Hindi


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Course Content

  1. Basic Vedic Astrology
  2. Exaltation, Debilitation of Planets
  3. P Astrology- Difference between Vedic and K.P Astrology.
  4. 12 houses and their Significance
  5. 12 Rashis and their Significance.
  6. 9 Planets and their Significance.
  7. How to understand Rashi with house and Planets in it.
  8. In KP Astrology- what is Rashi Chart and Cusp Chart.
  9. Aspects of Planets.
  10. What is Northern and South Indian Style of charts,
  11. Maths of K.P Astrology
  12. What is SubLord.
  13. Example Table of 1 to 22 from 1 to 249.
  14. What is a KP Script-
  15. Ruling Planets and its use.
  16. Vimshottari Dasha system
  17. Grouping of houses,
  18. Study of –Important Events of Life Like – Marriage
  19. Education & Higher Education
  20. Job, Loan
  21. Business, Recovery of Money
  22. Gems Stones related to Different Planets.
  23. And how to choose suitable Gem Stones.
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Course Content


  • Fast Crash Course K.P. Astrology Hindi Session 1
  • Fast Crash Course K.P. Astrology Hindi Session 2
  • Fast Crash Course K.P. Astrology Hindi Session 3

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